What is Down Somerset Way all about?

Hello! I’m Angharad, a freelance travel writer who upped sticks from Bristol (where I lived for 20 years) and moved to South Somerset with my husband and three children in August 2021.

As we settled into country life, I was blown away by the local attractions, eateries, watering holes and events taking place in a county that often takes a backseat to Devon, Dorset and Cornwall. A blogger and intrepid local explorer, with experience in writing and creating content to encourage people to explore certain destinations, I made it my mission to make people aware of the fantastic experiences on offer in Somerset.

My passion for Somerset was picked up on by Somerset Life Magazine, and I now write a monthly column raving about the best things to do with kids in the county. You’ll also find regular articles from me in the magazine featuring my favourite places in Somerset and Bristol.

So, whether you’re looking for UK holiday inspiration, already planning a holiday to the area, a regular visitor or a local resident, this will be the go-to website for things to do in Somerset.

Discover what’s on, find out about the best walks, cafes, attractions, pubs, and places to stay down Somerset way…

Wecome to Somerset sign

Thanks for your interest in advertising your business through Down Somerset Way. Last year, over 85,000 people read the posts on Down Somerset Way website, with a total of 171, 482 page views. This number is increasing year on year, so if you’d like to reach our ever-growing audience we’d love to work with you.

Advertising pick list

There are several options for businesses to raise their profile with Down Somerset Way:

  • listings, advertorial features and reviews on this website
  • sponsoring an event guide/monthly what’s on guide
  • mentions on our social media channels
  • posts in our Facebook community

Some of these options are FREE. Find out more about each of these options below:

Monthly event guides – FREE

I publish seasonal ‘what’s on’ guides on this website, currently focusing on school holiday events. These are promoted across Down Somerset Way’s social media, in the Facebook group. It is free to be listed.

Sponsor an event guide

My event and what’s on guides are some of the most popular posts on Down Somerset Way, particularly my school holiday, summer and Christmas event guides which rank highly in Google search results.

If you are an event organiser or another Somerset business owner who would like to reach an audience searching the internet for things to do in the county or ways to entertain their family, you can sponsor a guide.

This opportunity is open to event organisers, attractions, holiday providers and other Somerset businesses.

Please get in touch with me for my rate card.

Advertorial and sponsored content on this website

Angharad Paull has worked in the marketing and tourism industry for 20 years. This puts her in a fantastic position to collaborate with you on a bespoke piece of advertorial to support your marketing objectives. With her freelance work on Somerset Life Magazine, she is always looking for ideas to pitch to the magazine, so you may be able to work together to create pieces in print or online.

Angharad can write copy for you or publish (edited) content you supply. Recent collaborations on Down Somerset Way include:

13 Best things to do in Glastonbury #SayBus campaign with @BusesofSomerset

Shepherds huts with hot tubs: Somerset retreat REVIEW

Yurt holiday in Somerset Yeabridge Farm Hideaway REVIEW

Please contact me to find out fees for sponsored posts, guest posts, social media content and videos.

Want to find out more?

Please email me on hello@downsomersetway.co.uk

Discover more things to do in the West Country on my other blog, This Bristol Brood.